Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I came back from vacation and had all of this free stuff waiting for me in my mail:

It's hard tell what everything is but there's a reusable shopping bag, a Schick razor, 3 shampoo and conditioner samples (2 Aveeno, 1 John Freida), 5 coloring and activity books, a saws-all blade (for Fred), a hanging file folder, a sample of Emergen-C, a sample of Omega-3, tons of coupons (including one for a free bottle of ketchup), a sample of Nivea boday wash, a potty training DVD, 25 free prints from Shutterfly (we did have to pay a couple of bucks in shipping for this), 3 perfume samples and a few random stickers.

I love getting freebies in the mail! It's so easy too - filling out your name and address, which takes 10 seconds. I don't even do any of the ones where you have to participate in surveys, complete offers or sign up for other programs (you can get lots of great freebies that way, but it's just not worth the time and effort for me). Be sure that you have a special e-mail address to use for this stuff so that you don't get spam in your regular e-mail account.

If you're not signing up for freebies - you really should :o)

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