Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti

Ok, so I feel a little weird about posting this, but with all the tremendous support for this cause in the blogging world, I feel I kinda need to. One of my favorite blogs, Money Saving Mom, has started an effort to help those devastated by the earthquake in Haiti. For every blog linked up to her Help for Haiti post, she will donate $10 to Compassion International. She has also recruited the help of 45 blogs, who in turn are donating money for every blog linked to their sites. So, by posting what our family has done to donate to those in Haiti, I will be able to link up to all their posts, multiplying the little that we were able to give.

We donated money to our church's Humanitarian Services. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and our church runs a phenomenal Humanitarian Aid program. There are dozens of reputable organizations that are accepting donations for Haiti, but I chose to donate through our church because I know that 100% of the money they receive goes to those in need - there is NO overhead for administration costs. I know that they do a wonderful job and are guided by the spirit in their efforts. If you wish to donate to the LDS church's Humanitarian Aid fund, you can do so here.

Our donation wasn't very big, but as Crystal said, even $1 - $2 is a lot of money in Haiti. And thanks to all the wonderful bloggers out there, I can multiply our small donation by simply linking up to their sites. I encourage you to do something and check out all the blogs that will multiply your efforts. This is definitely the kind of thing that I normally just keep to myself, and I don't mean to brag about what I'm doing, I'm really just posting so that I can make our small donation stretch a little further. And beside money, we can all pray. Because above all, the people of Haiti need miracles, and miracles come through prayer.


Deal Queen said...

Stop by my blog and link in. We are donating $1,600 and a box of Godiva to a lucky joyful giver

Kim said...

Thanks for getting the word out. My blog is partipating too. The more people we can reach, the more people will be helped. God Bless!

Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

Me too! to everything you said. What a great opportunity for us!

Shellie said...

Thanks for linking up Amber. It's so amazing to see everyone helping together.

Jen said...

Thanks for being the first to link up, Amber! It's amazing to see how everyone can make a difference by sharing & encouraging others to give!

Lanette said...

I'm so glad you shared. It's great to hear about ways we can help.

Unknown said...

I'd love for you & your readers to link up or comment at Savings & Stewardship where we're donating $1 to World Vision for each entry.

Kirsty said...

Fellow LDS member donating 50c per link and 25c per comment to Humanitarian services.

Thanks so much. :)

Alyssa S. said...

Thanks for donating to Haiti!

I am donating $1-$2 to Compassion International for comments on my blog